13 Ways of Looking

Playing off Wallace Stevens's poem "13 Ways of Looking," this column aligns with an author's book release by inviting the writer to elaborate on a selection of images that shaped their work.

13 Ways of Looking: Lauren Markham
How can we memorialize what we're losing to climate change?
13 Ways of Looking: Simon Wu
The art critic and curator on artistic time travel, and the visual inspirations behind his debut collection.
13 Ways of Looking: Jenny Odell
On collage and the practice of searching, finding, and filing.
13 Ways of Looking: Kate Zambreno
The author on visual inspirations for The Light Room, her new memoir of art and care.
13 Ways of Looking: Hua Hsu
Visual inspiration behind Hua Hsu's Stay True, a memoir of grief and friendship.
13 Ways of Looking: Rachel E. Gross and Armando Veve
Visual inspiration for Rachel E. Gross's Vagina Obscura, a visionary journey into anatomy and time.
13 Ways of Looking: Janna Levin and Lia Halloran
Visual inspiration behind Janna Levinā€™s Black Hole Survival Guide, which aims to visualize the inherently invisible.
13 Ways of Looking: Lan Samantha Chang
Visual inspirations behind Lan Samantha Changā€™s The Family Chao, in which a small town Chinese American family grapples with the American dream.
13 Ways of Looking: James Hannaham
Visual inspiration behind Pilot Impostor, James Hannaham's hybrid narrative that wrestles with the legacy of the much mythologized Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa.
13 Ways of Looking: Susan Daitch
Visual inspirations behind Susan Daitchā€™s Siege of Comedians, a triptych of interconnected stories on exile, migration, crime scenes, and inventing language.
13 Ways of Looking: Lauren Groff
The award-winning writer shares visual inspirations for her new novel, which imagines teenage Marie de France's life in an impoverished English abbey after Eleanor of Aquitaine banishes her.
13 Ways of Looking: Kaveh Akbar
The award-winning poet presents 13 visual representations of poems included in his second collection, Pilgrim Bell, just out from Graywolf Press.
13 Ways of Looking: Kristen Radtke
The acclaimed artist and writer gives us 13 images that inspired her new graphic work, Seek You: A Journey Through American Loneliness, just out from Pantheon Books.
13 Ways of Looking, with Rivka Galchen
The award-winning author shows some of her visual inspirations for her new darkly comic historical novel, EVERYONE KNOWS YOUR MOTHER IS A WITCH.
13 Ways of Looking: Jeff VanderMeer
The Nebula and Shirley Jackson Award-winning author shares 13 images that inspired his latest eco-infused thriller, HUMMINGBIRD SALAMANDER.
13 Ways of Looking: Dantiel W. Moniz
Ahead of her stunning debut collection, Dantiel W. Moniz shares 13 images that informed her stories, which are set mostly in and around the Jacksonville area and focus on resilient young Black women.