Vojtěch Fröhlich
Visual Arts Residency
Vojtěch Fröhlich works with installations and live event gestures. Since his early works, he exposed himself to physically and mentally challenging situations often related to climbing. His practicekis not only about the physical act itself; through quasi-ritual exercises, he examines and contextualizes situations that unfold for himself as well as his surroundings, while exploring the limits of art categories. For several years, he has been developing Klub AVU—a project balancing on the line in between gastronomy, performance and live sculpture. In 2015, he was a finalist of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award, and completed a residency at Villa Arson in France. In 2022, Fröhlich created the project Pauza in the closed Czechoslovak Pavilion during the Venice Biennale to raise awareness of the institutional system gaps.
The program is part of the PAF in Residence project no. 0314000401, supported by the National Recovery Plan (EU, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic) and Czech Center New York. PAF is an international platform for moving image, animation and contemporary art. It has its focus in curating moving image across various fields of cinematography, art and music, organizing exhibitions, screenings or workshops and publishing. Its main event is the annual PAF Olomouc – Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art.