Mathilde Roussel
Visual Arts Residency
Mathilde Roussel (b. 1983) is a french artist based in Paris. Her drawings and sculptures are conceived like living organisms. During her creation process, Roussel progressively gives up control over the materials she uses by letting them find their own form of existence. She selects mediums that are both fragile and resistant: paper pulp, graphite powder, incised rubber or plants. This choice allows her to explore unstable forms and observe their continuous mutation. Through incision, opening, recovering and suspension, the artist forces the forms she produces to find their place in space, thus expressing and revealing the movement they contain in themselves. To a larger extent, Roussel’s practice seeks to record temporalities that inhabit our corporeality: aging, hardening, scarring and mutation. This research consists in producing tangible forms that indicate our vulnerability. At Pioneer Works Mathilde Roussel will create works for her exhibition at The Invisible Dog Art Center curated by Gaelle Porte. She will explore the way we transform our body to fight its deterioration, and ultimately, death.