E.S.P. TV (Scott Kiernan and Victoria Keddie)
Visual Arts Residency
E.S.P. TV hybridizes technologies old and new, contemporary and obsolete, to realize the live TV studio as a site for performance-based works and utilizes a mobile TV studio to explore transmission, analog and digital media, and broadcast. Through an ongoing series of live television taping events, they place the control room of the TV studio at center stage, turning the means of production into a vehicle for performance. They investigate the language of television and have built a strong network through artist collaborations. E.S.P. TV has worked with a wide variety of venues and institutions, including the Whitney Museum of American Art (NY), Spectacle Theater (Brooklyn), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco), the Museum of Human Achievement (Austin), S1 (Portland, OR), Nightingale Cinema (Chicago), Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, General Public (Berlin), STORE (Dresden), Studio XX (Montreal), Kling and Bang (Reykjavik), and Pallas Projects (Dublin).