Sound & Time: Sacred Music after a God
Clocktower artists-in-residence Long Distance Poison present Sound & Time: Sacred Music after a God, a music event and culminating performance of the duo’s residency. The performance uses modular and analog electronic audio, temporally programmed candles, experimental incense, and video synthesis to create zones for communication with mystery. The result is a short order cult; a vigil to the transitory reality of the power of immanence.
Started by Nathan Cearley and Erica Bradbury, the LDP duo focuses on the development of long-form works that emerge from a negotiation and play between conceptual, frequency, and spectral territories and their alterations as they are engaged in time. LDP’s compositions take many forms, mirroring strategies found in drone, noise, and other forms of experimental electronic music; they employ empty and spatially porous zones, sequenced patterns of rhythmic noise, random and pseudo-random processes, improvised keyboard work, chance, and mistake.
This project is made possible, in part, by a grant from the media The Foundation.