CLOCKWORK Performance
Corresponding to the movement of light across the floor at sunset, CLOCKWORK revolves around a “clock”—a set of gestures synced to the numbers on the face of an analogue clock (12 in front, 6 behind, etc.). Over time, the performance embodies a metronomic, meditative quality, connecting space and memory to temporalities outside of modern clock time.
Performances will take place between 6 and 7 pm on the following dates:
Friday, June 1
Saturday, June 2
Sunday, June 3
Friday, June 8
Saturday, June 9
Sunday, June 10
Saturday, June 16
Sunday, June 17
Saturday, June 23
Sunday, June 24
Saturday, June 30
Sunday, July 1
Performed by Hilary Clark, Julia Eichten, Marc Crousillat, and Ryan Kelly.