Raku Surfaces and Firing
The aim of this workshop is to explore the dramatic process of Raku firing with a focus on glazing and surface design techniques. We will start in the classroom with glazing demonstrations and discussions. Participants bring their own bisque-fired pieces to decorate with provided glazes and resist materials. The second half of the workshop will be spent kiln side. We will rapid fire glazed pieces in the Pioneer Works Raku kiln and experiment with various reduction techniques to produce spectacular effects. This workshop will fuel the creative fire in the hearts of intermediate and advanced level ceramic artists.
Participants must bring a maximum of 4 pieces of their own bisqued work, made in a suitable Raku claybody. Pots should be no wider than 8″ and no taller than 12″. If time permits, we will fire additional work.
Dates: June 12 and 13, 7:00 – 9:30pm
Location: Classroom and Garden
Price: $70 [$50 + $20 materials fee]