Fact Craft presents RADICAL MEMES: fun 4 every1
Radical Memes is a 2-part course that explores meme history, vocabulary, and production, with a special emphasis on memes that propagate progressive, queer, feminist, anti-racist political content. In part 1 we will look at case studies and discuss: what are radical memes? How do memes work, and what is their specific vocabulary? How do radical memes engage with and flip political conversations? We end the first class by speaking with a famous meme-maker on Skype, to talk about their specific artistic, political, and philosophical approach to meme-making.
In part 2, we create. Participants will bring in images, and we will go through a series of exercises to create hilarious, politically-astute memes. At the end, we will share, offer feedback to each other, and post our images all over the internet.
Dates: June 19 & 26, 7:00 – 9:00pm
Price: $25